9 Types of Houseplants and How to Care For Them.

9 Types of Houseplants and How to Care For Them.

If you’re a homeowner, chances are that at some point in your life, you’ve had to deal with an indoor plant. Whether it’s a potted geranium or an aloe plant, these 9 types of houseplants are excellent plants for adding color and personality to a space that could use some life.

Even if you don’t have any experience growing or caring for plants at home, now’s the time to learn how! You’ll find everything from low-maintenance houseplants (like snakes and spider plants) to hardy tropical shrubs (like ferns) on this list. Just keep these tips in mind when choosing the right type of flooring for your home:

Snake plant

Snake plants

The snake plant is a very popular houseplant and can be found in many homes. It’s easy to grow and maintain, requiring hardly any light or water. Snake plants can be grown indoors or outdoors; however, they do much better when planted in pots rather than in the ground.

The most common types of snake plants are Epipremnum aureum (golden pothos), Gymnocarpium robertianum (mother-in-law’s tongue), and Dracaena reflexa (mahogany).

Snake plants are easy to grow and require little maintenance. They do best when placed in indirect light or shaded by the sun.

The plant is a member of the ivy family and has heart-shaped leaves with dark green bands running diagonally across them. It can be grown outside in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, but it prefers to be indoors during the winter months.

9 Types of Houseplants

Spider plant chlorophytum comosum

Spider plants

Spider plant is a great plant for beginners because it’s easy to care for and can be used in many ways.

  • Watering needs: This houseplant likes to be watered consistently, so you’ll want to make sure that the soil doesn’t dry out completely between waterings. The best way to judge when it needs water is by looking at the top of your spider plant; if it feels dry and crispy around its base, then you should give it more attention!
  • Light needs: The spider plant requires sunlight but also should not sit in direct sunlight without some shade on hot days (when temperatures are over 90 degrees). If you live in an area where there isn’t much natural light available during spring or summer months (like upstate New York), try using fluorescent tubes instead of incandescent bulbs—this will help keep your indoor plants happy all year round!

Heartleaf philodendron

Heartleaf Philodendron is a beautiful plant that’s also quite easy to care for. It requires little water and can handle low light levels, making it suitable for indoor plants in your home or office.

How to overwinter heartleaf philodendron: Heartleaf philodendron will survive the winter if kept dry and cool (around 50°F) with minimal light. If you have plans to bring this plant indoors before the first frost hits, make sure that you’re ready with enough time and space.

Heartleaf philodendron

This is because they may take up more room than they normally would outdoors during the summer months when they’re not actively growing!

How to propagate heartleaf philodendron: The easiest way is by division: cut off one half of each leaf along its margin with pruning shears so that there are two new leaves attached at each node (nodes are where leaves join). This allows roots to grow out from under these two “leaves” within two days after cutting off other parts.”

Parlor palm

Parlor palms are slow-growing beautiful indoor plants that prefer bright light but can tolerate lower light conditions. It’s an attractive indoor plant because of its variegated leaf pattern and its ability to grow into a tree shape when mature.

Parlor palm

Potted parlor palms should be kept on the dry side, so they should never be watered by the sink or dishwasher while they are in use (this will kill them). If you do want to water your potted palm, make sure that you don’t allow any water in between the potting soil and roots of your potted palm; otherwise, it will rot away quickly!

When you notice that your potted palm has a brown leaf tip, it is time to water it. If you have a brown leaf tip on more than one leaf at the same time, then it is likely that your plant needs more light.

Peace lily

The peace lily is a popular houseplant, and for good reason. It’s easy to care for and can provide a lot of beauty in your home.

Peace lilly
  • Peace lily needs to be watered regularly, so check the soil every two weeks or so and add new soil if necessary. Be sure not to overwater these plants because they will rot easily if you do! Fertilize peace lily once per month with all-purpose plant food (like 10-10-10). Repotting should be done every other year as well; when you transplant it into a new pot, make sure that you keep its roots moist until they settle in their new home before placing them back outside again where they belong!

The peace lily is toxic to cats, dogs, and children, so keep it away from them. The sap or leaves of the plant are poisonous, and even just one leaf can cause serious symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. Children should also be kept away from peace lily because they may mistake it for candy due to its bright colors.


Ferns are the easiest houseplants to care for and they don’t need much in the way of maintenance. They are tiny indoor plants that require a little water once in a while, but that’s it! Ferns are great plants if you have limited time or space to devote to plant care.

Fern plant

Ferns also make great office plants because they’re light-colored and blend into most decor schemes. If you want your ferns to stay alive as long as possible (and who doesn’t?),

placing them near an east-facing window will help them get enough natural sunlight during the day; however, try not to leave them outside for more than two hours at one time because exposure can damage their leaves and roots over time—but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try!



Succulents are plants that store water in their leaves, stems, and roots. They’re great for people who don’t have a lot of time to care for plants or those who want an easy go-to houseplant.

The majority of succulents need very little attention—just be sure to keep them out of direct sunlight and feed them once every two weeks or so with itty-bitty pellets made specifically for succulents (available at most home improvement stores).

If you live in an area where it gets cold during the wintertime months as we do here in Colorado, then give your succulent some heat by placing the pot on top of a heating pad (this way it won’t die!).


Succulents need a lot of suns, so make sure to keep them near a window. They also like indirect light and should not be placed in direct sunlight. If you do have an east-facing window, place your succulent on the shady side of your home so it can soak up as much natural light as possible.

When watering succulents, use distilled or purified water instead of tap water if possible. Tap water contains minerals that can damage plants and cause fertilization issues over time (this is especially true for clay pots).

Once you’re ready for some fertilizer, give it about once every three weeks or so during spring through early fall and again before winter begins (usually around Thanksgiving).

Chinese evergreen

Chinese evergreen plants are a good choice for beginners and those who do not have much time to spend on their houseplants. They require low light, minimal water, and minimal maintenance. They also do well in bathrooms because of the warm environment they create.

Chinese evergreen

Chinese evergreen plants can be grown indoors or outdoors but should be kept away from direct sunlight as this plant needs bright light to grow properly. Chinese evergreen is a hardy plant that can grow in most conditions. It prefers moderate sunlight and humidity but can tolerate low light conditions. This plant is also easy to care for and requires minimal maintenance.


Begonia is a flowering plant that grows from 2 to 3 feet tall, with leaves that are green and shiny. It’s very easy to keep and requires little care.


Begonias are good for beginners because they don’t need much attention once they’re established in their pot or container. The only thing you’ll have to do is water when the soil feels dry, fertilize monthly (or at least every 3 months), repot every 2 years, and move it around if needed so that its roots aren’t crowded by others in your potting mix.

A bit of knowledge of watering and lighting will go a long way toward keeping your indoor plants healthy.

Houseplants need to be watered regularly, but it’s important to know how much and when. If you’re new to the world of houseplants, it’s best to consult with an expert who can give you some advice on watering your plants.

Watering houseplants correctly is an art! Some plants require more water than others; some may even die if they’re not watered regularly enough or if too much water is applied at once.

The best way for beginners like us (and anyone else) can learn how much water each type of plant needs is by checking out our infographic below—it shows how much each type needs in terms of inches per week based on its size:


In conclusion, houseplants can provide numerous benefits to your home and overall well-being. They not only enhance the aesthetics of your living space but also improve air quality and promote relaxation. There are various types of houseplants to choose from, each with its own unique characteristics and care requirements.

Whether you prefer low-maintenance plants or those that require a bit more attention, there is a houseplant that will suit your needs. By following the specific care instructions for your chosen plant, you can ensure that it thrives and continues to bring joy and beauty to your home.

Which are the best indoor plants?

Peace lilly

Some of the best indoor plants include the spider plant, snake plant, peace lily, and pothos.

What are common house plants?

Spider plant

Common house plants are diverse and varied, including species such as the spider plant, snake plant, peace lily, and pothos.