Planting And Growing Broccoli: The Complete Guide

Planting And Growing Broccoli: The Complete Guide

Broccoli is a highly nutritious and versatile vegetable that has gained popularity in recent years for its health benefits and culinary versatility. However, planting and growing broccoli can be challenging, especially for novice gardeners. 

This complete guide on planting and growing broccoli will give you all the information you need to cultivate healthy and delicious broccoli in your home garden. From selecting the right cultivar and preparing the soil to plant, fertilizing, and harvesting, this guide will cover everything you need to know to grow successful broccoli crops. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, this guide will help you grow your nutrient-packed broccoli and enjoy its delicious taste and health benefits.

planting broccoli

Broccoli origin

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family and is closely related to. Cabbage originally came from Asia Minor. Broccoli has been cultivated in Europe since the 16th century, especially in Italy and France. Both broccoli and cauliflower probably come from the wild plant Brassica cretica, which naturally grows in southern Greece, among other places.

Although you can buy broccoli all year round, growing it in your garden is worthwhile in two ways. First, raw broccoli does not store for long. The florets yellow faster than, for example, a head of cauliflower. The buds also lose a large part of the valuable ingredients, such as vitamins and minerals. Secondly, unlike cauliflower, broccoli grows much faster. If you grow the florets yourself, you can often freshly harvest several times: first, the head of the main shoot and, later, the smaller buds of side shoots.

Broccoli recipes

Here are a few broccoli recipes to try at home:

  1. Roasted Broccoli: Preheat the oven to 425°F. Toss broccoli florets with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Roast for 20-25 minutes, until crispy and golden brown.
  2. Broccoli Cheddar Soup: In a large pot, sauté chopped onion and garlic until softened. Add chopped broccoli and enough chicken or vegetable broth to cover. Simmer until broccoli is tender, then puree with an immersion blender. Stir in grated cheddar cheese until melted and smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Broccoli Salad: Chop broccoli into bite-sized pieces and blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Drain and rinse under cold water. Mix with chopped red onion, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, and a simple dressing of olive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, and Dijon mustard.
  4. StirFried Broccoli: Heat a wok or large skillet over high heat. Add sliced garlic and ginger and stir-fry for 30 seconds. Add broccoli florets and sliced bell pepper, and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes until tender-crisp. Drizzle with soy sauce and sesame oil and toss to coat.
  5. Broccoli Pesto Pasta: Cook your favorite pasta according to the package instructions. Meanwhile, blend together steamed broccoli, basil leaves, garlic, Parmesan cheese, lemon juice, and olive oil in a food processor until smooth. Toss the pesto with the cooked pasta and top with extra Parmesan cheese and pine nuts.
Growing broccoli

Broccoli health benefits

Broccoli is a nutrient-dense vegetable that is rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Here are some of the health benefits of broccoli:

High in Vitamin C: Broccoli is a great source of vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and supports healthy skin, teeth, and bones.

Rich in Fiber: Broccoli is high in fiber, which helps promote digestive health and can aid in weight management.

Antioxidant Properties: Broccoli is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E, beta-carotene, and selenium, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Cancer Prevention: Some studies have suggested that the compounds in broccoli may help prevent certain types of cancer, such as breast and prostate cancer.

Cardiovascular Health: Broccoli contains nutrients that can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Eye Health: Broccoli is a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin, important nutrients for eye health and may help prevent age-related macular degeneration.

Overall, incorporating broccoli into your diet can provide a range of health benefits and contribute to a well-balanced, nutritious diet.

Growing broccoli

Unlike cauliflower, broccoli does not develop a closed inflorescence. Instead, large leaves form on long, fleshy stalks. The loosehead sits on it. The buds of broccoli are green or purple, depending on the variety. There are also rare varieties with yellow and white buds.

The cabbage is considered easy to care for and can be harvested several times a year. After you have cut the first head off the shoot axis, fresh side shoots form, on which new flower buds grow. However, the harvest on the side shoots is smaller.

Two species are particularly interesting for garden cultivation: the summer and autumn varieties, which are native to the Mediterranean region, and the winter broccoli, which originally comes from England and tolerates light frost.

Tip: Nevertheless, winter broccoli is recommended to be protected against frost with a fleece so that you can harvest it after the cold season from March to May.

Sowing broccoli

Choosing best location

Broccoli is a highly nutritious vegetable well-known for its various health benefits. In cultivating healthy broccoli, it’s important to understand the optimal conditions for its growth. Broccoli requires deep, nutrient-rich soil with good storage capacity. The soil should be rich in organic matter, such as compost, manure, or other natural fertilizers.

In addition to the soil composition, broccoli requires even moisture to thrive. Irrigation or rainwater should be applied regularly to the soil, and any excess water should be drained to prevent waterlogging. Furthermore, the soil should have a slightly alkaline pH level, which is beneficial for the absorption of nutrients.

In achieving an ideal soil composition for broccoli cultivation, adding algae lime to the soil in the autumn is recommended. Algae lime is a natural, calcium-rich fertilizer that can help to neutralize the soil’s acidity, enhance the soil structure, and improve nutrient availability. It’s important to apply the algae lime evenly across the soil and work it into the top layer.

Crop rotation and mixed culture

Intercropping broccoli with other compatible plants can help enhance soil health and maximize yield. Beans, dill, endive, and beetroot are particularly good companions for broccoli. Beans can fix nitrogen in the soil, while dill and endive can help repel pests and attract beneficial insects. Beetroot, on the other hand, can improve soil texture and nutrient availability.

Adding more diversity to the intercropping system by including leeks, chard, radishes, celery, and other plants can enhance the benefits. For instance, leeks can help deter pests and improve soil structure, while chard can provide shade and protect the soil from erosion. Radishes and celery can help improve soil fertility by breaking up soil compaction and attracting beneficial insects.

Incorporating diverse intercropping systems into broccoli cultivation can result in healthier plants, better soil health, and higher yields. You can create a more sustainable and productive vegetable garden by choosing compatible companion plants.

Growing broccoli

Sowing broccoli

Early varieties can be preferred from January to March. It takes about 30 days for the seed to sprout. With a room temperature of 15 °C to 20 °C, you create optimal conditions for the seedlings. It is best to use small plant pots and potting soil for cultivation.

Tip: If you want to grow several broccoli sprouts at the same time, multi-pot trays are ideal for growing them.

As soon as the seedlings have developed the first leaves, transplant them into individual pots about 5 cm in size. From around mid-May, you can also sow broccoli directly in the bed. Plant three seeds in each planting hole and plant about 40 cm apart. After germination, only leave the strongest of the three plants. Sow winter broccoli directly in August and September so you can harvest in spring.

Planting broccoli

Transplanting young broccoli plants outdoors can be an exciting time for gardeners, but it’s important to do it at the right time and under the right conditions. Once your broccoli seedlings have rooted well and have developed three to five leaves, they are ready to be transplanted outside. April is a good time to do this, but protect them from frost by covering them with fleece. You can also use a propagation hood in a raised bed to ensure optimal growing conditions.

When planting your broccoli, keep a distance of 40-50 cm between each plant. Adding plenty of compost to the soil is essential for giving the plants the necessary nutrients. Aim to use 3-5 liters of compost per square meter to ensure a nutrient-rich environment.

Additionally, applying around 30 grams of algae lime per square meter can supply plants with calcium and other minerals like magnesium, which can help promote healthy growth and improve overall plant health.

Proper soil preparation and the addition of organic matter can improve soil structure and water-holding capacity, which can ultimately benefit the growth and health of your broccoli crop. Following these tips can give your broccoli plants the best start possible and increase your chances of growing a successful and abundant crop.

Broccoli care

Broccoli needs adequate water and nutrients. So water the plants well. You can reduce the watering a bit in the following two to three weeks. Only then do you water regularly again to promote growth.

Tip: Six weeks after planting or before the broccoli starts to form buds, you can contribute to healthy development with additional minerals. Mix liquid vegetable fertilizer into the irrigation water according to the manufacturer’s instructions or feed the plants with nettle manure.

Also, regularly loosen the soil around the vegetables with a cultivator and pile up the plants.

Conversely, winter broccoli grows more slowly, and forms firm leaves to survive frosty temperatures. Therefore only feed it sparingly with horn shavings or use a little organic vegetable fertilizer. Giving too many nutrients in the fall can reduce frost’s hardiness. Instead, you fertilize a second time in the spring.

Harvest broccoli

Summer varieties are ready to harvest after about seven weeks. Broccoli planted in the fall takes at least ten weeks. Winter broccoli takes the longest: it takes about half a year to harvest. You can then harvest continuously from March to May.

Broccoli is ready to harvest when the flower buds are pronounced, swollen, and tightly closed. Now the florets and stalks taste particularly tender. The vegetable tastes like cabbage when green broccoli turns yellow, and the florets are loose.

Cut off the inflorescences with a sharp knife. The thin side shoots that form later can also be used in the kitchen. They are also called “secondary roses”. Broccoli florets can be boiled, blanched, or eaten raw. The vegetables contain relevant amounts of vitamin C and important minerals such as calcium.

Broccoli is also known as asparagus cabbage. The stalk is also edible and is prepared in a similar way to asparagus. Peel the stalk with a vegetable peeler before cooking.

It would be best if you processed broccoli as soon as possible after harvesting. It keeps raw in the fridge for about two to three days, but then it wilts quickly.

Tip: You can extend the shelf life of raw broccoli a bit by wrapping it in a clean, damp cloth.

Storing broccoli

Properly storing broccoli is important to ensure that it stays fresh and retains its nutritional value. Here are some tips for storing broccoli:

  1. Refrigeration: Broccoli should be stored in the refrigerator, preferably in a perforated plastic bag to allow for some air circulation. It should be kept in the crisper drawer or a separate drawer with high humidity settings.
  2. Temperature: Broccoli should be stored between 0 and 5°C (32 and 41°F). The broccoli will wilt and spoil quickly if the temperature is too high.
  3. Moisture: Broccoli should be kept dry, as excess moisture can cause it to rot. Make sure to remove any water droplets from the surface of the broccoli before storing it.
  4. Duration: Broccoli can last up to five days in the refrigerator. However, consuming it as soon as possible is best to ensure maximum freshness and nutritional value.
  5. Freezing: Broccoli can also be frozen for long-term storage. To do so, blanch the broccoli in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then immediately transfer it to an ice bath to stop cooking. Drain the broccoli and store it in an airtight container in the freezer.

Broccoli pests and diseases

Broccoli is susceptible to several pests and diseases, some of which are:

  1. Aphids: These tiny, soft-bodied insects cluster on the undersides of leaves and can cause stunted growth and yellowing of the plant. They can be controlled with insecticidal soap or by introducing natural predators like ladybugs.
  2. Cabbage worms: These green caterpillars feed on the leaves and can cause significant damage to the plant. Handpicking and using row covers can help prevent them from infesting the plants.
  3. Flea beetles: These small, shiny black beetles chew small holes in the leaves, which can stunt growth and reduce yields. Row covers, insecticidal soap, and neem oil can help control them.
  4. Downy mildew: This fungal disease causes yellowing and wilting of the leaves and a grayish mold on the undersides of the leaves. It can be prevented by spacing plants apart, providing good air circulation, and avoiding overhead watering.
  5. Clubroot: This soil-borne disease causes the roots to become swollen and deformed, and can eventually kill the plant. It can be prevented by rotating crops and avoiding planting broccoli in the same spot for several years in a row.
  6. Black rot: This bacterial disease causes yellowing and wilting of leaves and blackening of the stem. Infected plants should be removed and destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.

Regular inspection and early detection of pests and diseases are important to keep broccoli plants healthy and productive. Applying organic pesticides and fungicides can help control and prevent the spread of pests and diseases.

Tip: Add algae lime to the soil as soon as you plant, preventing root diseases.


In conclusion, growing broccoli can be a challenging yet rewarding experience for any gardener. From selecting the right cultivar and preparing the soil to plant, fertilizing, and harvesting, there are many factors to consider when cultivating this versatile vegetable. However, with the right knowledge and techniques, you can grow healthy and delicious broccoli in your garden.

Proper soil preparation is crucial to providing your plants with nutrients and improving overall plant health. Adding organic matter such as compost and algae lime can help give plants the essential nutrients and minerals they need to thrive.

Intercropping with compatible plants can also help enhance soil health and maximize yield. Beans, dill, endive, beetroot, leeks, chard, radishes, celery, and other plants make great companions for broccoli. They can improve soil fertility, repel pests, and attract beneficial insects.

Growing broccoli requires patience, attention to detail, and a willingness to learn and adapt. Following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can successfully grow a bountiful crop of delicious and nutritious broccoli in your backyard.


When is the best time to plant broccoli?

Depending on your climate, broccoli can be planted in the spring or fall. In cooler regions, it’s best to plant in the spring, while planting in the fall may be preferable in warmer regions.

How much sunlight does broccoli need?

Broccoli needs full sun, which means at least six hours of direct sunlight daily.

How can I store harvested broccoli?

Freshly harvested broccoli can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. For longer-term storage, you can blanch and freeze it.

How often should I water my broccoli plants?

Broccoli plants need consistent moisture to thrive, so watering them regularly is important. Aim to water them deeply once or twice a week, depending on the weather and soil conditions.

How can I prevent pests and diseases from attacking my broccoli plants?

Preventative measures such as crop rotation, intercropping, and keeping the soil healthy and well-drained can help prevent pests and diseases. Suppose you do notice signs of infestation or disease. In that case, you can use organic pest control methods such as insecticidal soap or neem oil.

When is the best time to harvest broccoli?

Broccoli heads should be harvested when fully developed but before the individual flowers begin to open; This usually occurs about 60-100 days after planting, depending on the variety.