How to Grow an Apple Tree From Seed Step by Step

How to Grow an Apple Tree From Seed Step by Step

Apple trees are among the most popular garden plants, but they can be tricky to grow from seed. You need to follow a few simple steps and provide your apple tree with the right conditions. This will ensure that it grows into a healthy tree that produces delicious apples in time for harvest. Read on to learn how to grow an apple tree from seed.

When is the right time to plant apple seeds?

When you plant apple seeds, the most appropriate time is early spring. Apple trees need to be planted in soil that is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit (around 10 C). Apples are small fruit and they can be grown from seed or from cuttings as well.

To do this, cut off a branch from an existing tree or buy one at your local nursery if you want to grow something larger than yourself! Planting them will take about 2 months after that point since they don’t really germinate until temperatures warm up enough for them to sprout their roots and leaves!

What kind of soil is best for an apple tree?

The preferred soil for apple trees is well-drained, slightly acidic, and moist. It should have plenty of organic matter and proper drainage.

Apple trees are heavy feeders and will need enough nutrients to grow quickly in your garden. Make sure you provide them with an adequate supply of fertilizer each year by mixing it with compost or manure before applying it around the base of the tree’s trunk (see Step 6).

Apple trees also benefit from being kept well watered during dry periods; however, excessive watering can lead to rotting roots which can make your crop unproductive over time or even kill it together!

Here are what you need on how to grow an apple tree from seed step by step:

Step 1

Ripped apple fruit

The first step to growing an apple tree from seed is getting a ripe apple. You can do this by buying an apple from your local grocery store or farmer’s market, or by hunting down your own fruit trees in the wilds.

Once you have found an edible apple, eat it! It’s important for the seeds inside a ripe fruit to be exposed to human saliva before they can germinate; otherwise, they won’t grow into new plants and instead will remain dormant until another unsuspecting passerby eats them (and hopefully gives them back).

After eating your delicious snack of choice (whether it’s caramel apples or some other kind), wash off all traces of oil with soap and water; this helps ensure that when you sow these seeds onto soil later on down the road—which we’ll discuss next—they don’t end up dying before they have time even though there might be plenty of nutrients available around us right now.”

Step 2

Fill a plastic bag with a moist paper towel. The seeds should be placed in a bag, sealed, and kept in the refrigerator for about two months. After this time, take out the seedlings and plant them outdoors or in pots.

The seeds germinate slowly and may take up to two months. While you wait, check the soil every few days for moisture and make sure that it doesn’t dry out. Once they germinate, keep the soil moist but not wet.

Step 3

Place several seeds in the bag, close it tightly, and place it in your refrigerator for about two months. Make sure that there is enough moisture in the bag so that the seeds can be kept alive during this period.

You should also make sure that you don’t leave them sitting at room temperature because they might take longer to germinate than if they were stored at an ideal temperature of around 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit).

If you are planning to store the seeds for more than a year, it’s best to put them in a freezer. This will preserve them for much longer, and they should be able to germinate when you take them out again.

Step 4. 

When your seeds have been refrigerated for two months, plant them in an inch-deep hole in your potting soil.

  • When you’re ready to plant, make sure the soil is moist and cover it with a thin layer of soil.
  • Plant your seeds in an inch-deep hole that’s as wide as they are long (about 1 1/2 inches).
  • Water them regularly until they sprout, which should be about two months later.

Step 5

Now that you have planted your apple tree seed in the soil, it is time to water it regularly and keep it moist for about a month. This will ensure that your apple tree seed begins to grow. During this time, make sure that you do not allow the soil to completely dry out, this could cause damage to your young roots.

  • Watering Apple Trees with Rainwater

If you live in an area where there are no rain showers or if there are none at all but still want to grow an apple tree from seed, there are ways around this problem as well:

  • Use bottled or distilled water instead of tap water when watering plants (unless you want them to use tap water). Bottled or distilled water does not contain any chemicals that might harm them nearly as much as tap water.

Step 6

Once the seed has sprouted roots that are 1 inch long, transfer it to a larger pot with fresh potting soil. Continue to water it regularly but allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.

To tell if a seed has sprouted, place your hand over it so you can feel if there is any moisture on top of your hand or not. If there is moisture on top of your hand then this means that your apple tree has not yet started growing properly because they need at least three weeks before it can produce fruit buds (or flowers).

If you have the patience to wait for the apple tree to bear fruit, then you will be rewarded with sweet and juicy apples. These are a delight for anyone who loves apples.

Step 7

How to Grow an Apple Tree

Plant your young apple tree in well-drained soil outdoors after about two years when it reaches 24 inches tall or more so that its roots can spread out freely and mature quickly into a healthy tree that will produce apples within three to four years of planting. Top Tip – Make sure that you’re using a seed from an organic apple to grow your tree because pesticides may have been used on non-organic apple seeds, which could be harmful if they remain on them when they are planted.

The best time to plant your young apple tree is after about two years when it reaches 24 inches tall or more. This is so that its roots can spread freely and mature quickly into a healthy tree that will produce apples within three to four years of planting.

Apple trees are generally planted in the spring, but you can plant them in the fall as well. If you do this, be sure that you don’t put any fertilizer on yet since this could hurt your young apple tree’s growth rate later on down the road.

When you buy an apple tree, it is usually bare-root. This means that the roots are not in the soil yet and are just wrapped in a bag of peat moss or similar material. It’s important that you plant this type of tree as soon as possible after purchase so that they can start taking in water and nutrients.

How to fertilize and care for an apple tree

Do not over-water the tree: Watering your apple tree is one of the most important things you can do for it, but too much water can cause root damage and rot.

  • Do not over-fertilize the tree: The same applies to fertilizer as well—too much fertilizer will also result in rotting roots, which will make caring for your apple tree difficult or impossible altogether (at least until you’re able to find a local nursery that sells organic gardening supplies).
  • Do not over-feed the tree: Feeding trees with high levels of nitrogen or phosphorus may result in poor growth rates or even death due to a disease outbreak; however, if this is something that appeals to you then go ahead! Just make sure that no more than 20% of total nutrients come from these sources per year. This is not to say that no other needs like sunlight exposure or temperature control requirements are already present within nature itself!

Incest attracts

When you plant a seed, it will take about two weeks for the process to begin. Once it does, you’ll notice that the apple tree has grown considerably more than when you first planted it. Congratulations! You now have an apple tree!

The next step is to take care of your newfound fruit-bearing friend so that he thrives in his new home. First and foremost, fertilize your new plant regularly—especially if this is the first time you’ve had an apple tree or if there was something wrong with yours previously (such as frost damage).

This will help ensure healthy growth throughout all seasons by ensuring proper nutrition for young leaves and stems. Also, make sure not to let any pests get inside while they’re still small; they’ll eat up any nutrients left behind after the fertilizing season has passed without any other input from humans (or bugs).

How to Grow an Apple Tree From Seed


In conclusion, there are many ways you can use apple seeds to plant your own apple tree. The right time to plant an apple seed is when the weather is warm and dry. However, it shouldn’t be too hot because it will hurt the roots of the tree if it gets too hot or dries out too quickly.

You can also choose whether or not you want some kind of support system like wires or stakes. This is because most plants need something to hold onto while they grow into trees so they won’t fall over too easily when they’re young! We hope this article helps answer any questions about growing apples from seed.